Magical Recipes

putting the sparkle back into food!


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Each week we'll test and taste a new recipe and include REALISTIC estimates in terms of how long it will take to prepare. We'll include photographs of our successes and our abject failures. We'd love you to join in and tell us all about your experiences in the kitchen (and we'll feature any we like along with accreditation).

As a family we eat both vegetarian cuisine and meatie foods, with sweet tooths and carrot sticks, healthy and stodgy, we should between us be able to cover all the bases. So join us for our Magical adventures in food and food preparation. New techniques will be discovered, old traditional methods will be explored and tested. New tastes and flavours and traditional pairings will be as varied and as important as the techniques used.

Sweet AJAX Tabs

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Here we are making sweet AJAX-powered tabs with CSS3 and the newly released version 1.4 of jQuery.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus quam quis nibh fringilla sit amet consectetur lectus malesuada. Sed nec libero erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mi nisi, rhoncus ut vestibulum ac, sollicitudin quis lorem. Duis felis dui, vulputate nec adipiscing nec, interdum vel tortor. Sed gravida, erat nec rutrum tincidunt, metus mauris imperdiet nunc, et elementum tortor nunc at eros. Donec malesuada congue molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum cursus congue sem et feugiat. Morbi quis elit odio.

Halftone Navigation Menu

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Today we are making a CSS3 & jQuery halftone-style navigation menu, which will allow you to display animated halftone-style shapes in accordance with the navigation links, and will provide a simple editor for creating additional shapes as well.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus quam quis nibh fringilla sit amet consectetur lectus malesuada. Sed nec libero erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mi nisi, rhoncus ut vestibulum ac, sollicitudin quis lorem. Duis felis dui, vulputate nec adipiscing nec, interdum vel tortor. Sed gravida, erat nec rutrum tincidunt, metus mauris imperdiet nunc, et elementum tortor nunc at eros. Donec malesuada congue molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum cursus congue sem et feugiat. Morbi quis elit odio.